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My Story


The Me

Hi... I am Wayne Jones,  

  I am based in Glossop; which is just one of the many beautiful parts of Derbyshire.


I can just about remember picking up a pencil for the first time as a child and attempted to draw something that loosely resembled a horse. Also remembering that my mother at the time saying, with both surprise and scepticism  'That actually does look like a horse!'. However, even with a renewed sense of adventure with a pencil, I regretfully didn't pursue it.

The next time I picked up a pencil was when I was in my late twenties. Again this didn't last long too and I soon forgot about any grandi0se ideas of becoming the next great pencil artist. 

I didn't think about drawing again until quite recently really. I found that I had a bit of time on my hands so I thought to myself, well why not dig out those pencils again and to try having another go. So I did.


So in a nutshell, this has led me to where I am now and I suppose for me for a such a long time, drawing had always been a 'hidden' passion and It's only now that I am able to share with you the drawings that I have done so far. I hope that you find a sense of enjoyment in looking at them


The Why


 For some reason, rightly or wrongly and without the over simplification. I have followed the notion that beauty and its nature (if you look carefully) can be found in all things and, what is reflected from beauty, can be a glimpse of something quite remarkable.

With renewed inspiration, I found myself putting into practice what I have wanted to do for such a long time.

In terms of my drawings. If I can get anywhere close to bringing out these precious themes of Reflection and Beauty in my artwork...I have achieved what I set out to do.



And the Hobby

That was the 'Why' stuff done and thank you for taking the time to read it. But for a more lighter tone.

'Back to the hobby'

For anyone who is interested please get in touch even if its for a future drawing you might have in mind...there is no obligation to commit to anything. I do however, cater for all types of portraiture including weddings, birthdays, celebrations, pets or animals.


The work that I do never uses any blending stumps or burnishing techniques. Bringing out those fantastic features of the paper. Those tiny peaks and troughs of the paper represent beautifully the texture of natural skin.

 I only use the finest drawing paper and pencils. If you are interested and would like me to produce a piece of art personalised for you or maybe a gift for someone else then please get in touch.

I'm sure I have other stuff to write but I can't quite think of anything yet. But if I do I shall add it on


Thank you for taking the time to visit my website.


Because my website is new it will be subject to constant review and updates including design, layout and content. This is so the best possible site can be developed for your viewing. Sorry for any inconvenience

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